File Split & Consolidation

Objective: Create a forecast of total employee cost in an organisation.

Context: An accountant is working on a profit and loss statement (P&L) for the next financial year. The statement requires input on forecasted wages from different business units (BU). While the files can be split manually, if there are 100 BU the process would quickly become time intensive. Once split the file needs to be sent to the respective BU for completion. Once filled in, all the files will need to be merged into one to calculate the total employment cost across the organisation.


  1. Import HR file (.xlsx)

  2. Split into multiple files by Business Unit

  3. Send each Business Unit its respective forecast to fill in

  4. Merge multiple input files into a master file to complete the analysis


Book Summary: "The Great Mental Models" by Shane Parrish


Snowflake: Data Loading